Italian – AFB Vaccinated Queen


Here at Honey Bee Genetics, we are bringing a new tool to the beekeeping industry by offering vaccinated honeybee queens with Dalan Animal Health’s new AFB vaccine. We are proud to be the first seller in the US providing vaccinated queen bees, giving your bees additional immunity against this deadly brood disease.

576 in stock



Our VSH mated Italian queen bees can be now be purchased vaccinated for American Foul Brood (AFB). We are using Dalan Animal Health’s new USDA approved AFB vaccine and carefully inoculate our mated queens.

AFB Vaccinated Queen Pricing Tiers:

1- 9 =  $57

10-49 = $52

Please email or call for orders of 50+ queens for bulk pricing.

All vaccinated queens marked at no charge.

More Information about Dalan Animal Science:

Dalan’s AFB vaccine protects against American Foulbrood Disease, a highly contagious and deadly disease that affects developing bee larvae.

The Dalan vaccine technology exposes queen bees to inactive (i.e., “dead”) bacteria, which enables the larvae hatched in the hive to resist infection. Dalan’s vaccine is a prophylactic solution protecting the world’s honeybees from deadly infectious diseases such as American Foulbrood.

This new tool is the first and only honeybee vaccine approved by the USDA to help in the fight against AFB. The vaccine is safe, non-chemical, and suitable for use in organic agriculture. Read more about how it works at

Additional information

Weight .25 lbs